invisa-RED™ Laser
The Easiest Way to Lose Weight
What is invisa-RED™ ?
invisa-RED™ is the latest innovation in body slimming Technology that can be used to shorten the time it takes to reach your desired weight loss goal. Treatments are safe, non-invasive, and a painless alternative to traditional fat procedures. Each session removes up to an inch of unwanted at from any problem area.
No pain, no needles, no downtime!
Is invisa-RED™ suitable for me?
​Treatments are ideal for both men & women.
How many treatments will I need?
Sessions vary by desired treatment goal.
Once patients obtain their weight loss goals, they may benefit from any of the aesthetics services that invisa-RED™ provides.
Schedule a consultation to find out if invisa-RED™ is right for you!
What treatments can be done with invisa-RED™ ?​
Chin, Back, Arms, Buttocks, Waist, Legs (Front/Back), Hips, Chest (Men)
Weight Loss
Individualized Programs
Nutrition Modification & Education
Increase Metabolism
Lower Cortisol Levels
Lifestyle Modification Counseling
Body Contouring & Aesthetics
Cellulite Elimiation
Stretch-mark Fading
Wrinkle Reduction
Increases Collagen Production
Tightens & Rejuvenates Skin
Improved Circulation
Area Specific Fat Reduction
Achieve your aesthetic goals with us at
Almond Aesthetic Medicine
Pre & Post Care Instructions
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